June 30, 2023

Poem – In The Garden

Poem – In the Garden


In the garden’s embrace, I find solace and peace,

Where nature’s cycles and wonders never cease.

Artichokes have arrived, their journey complete,

As I savor the last, their flavors so sweet.


Asparagus came and went, a gift to admire,

Extended periods of delight, a feast to inspire.

Tomatoes now awaken, their colors intrigue,

While baby apples show they are in their own league.


Butterflies dance, through flowers they glide,

Preferring the blue ones, on the hillside.

Peppers, once munched by deer, strive to thrive,

Their resilience shines, a testament to survive.


Sugar snap peas reach towering heights,

Their tendrils reaching for their sun-shining delights.

Broccoli peeks through, amidst the leaves,

Cabbages announce their presence with ease.


Kale grows with vigor, a green, leafy crown,

We diligently consume, its goodness renowned.

Strawberries graced our bowls, a delectable treat,

While garlic dries, last years harvest, so neat.


Red onions emerge, vibrant and bold,

Their tops peeking out, a sight to behold.

Gardens teach us of cycles, a reminder profound,

That all things in nature have seasons unbound.


We nurture and protect, we lend a caring hand,

To plants that sustain us, a bond ancient and grand.

For as we celebrate their lives, and their bountiful yield,

We honor the circle, where nature’s gifts are revealed.


I am grateful that as a gardener I’ve grown,

Connected to nature’s rhythm, no longer alone.

In harmony I live, with all creatures and kin,

Understanding the cycles, where life can begin.


We give back, we replenish, we cherish the earth,

For we are a part, of its miraculous birth.

Some things I leave for the critters to share,

A gift to our shared nature’s love affair.


The garden has deep wisdom, it is a teacher so wise,

Showing that through harmony … much thrives.

Life’s dance is a give and take, a delicate art,

In the garden, we show that humanity can play an important part.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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