Poem – The Winds of Mother Nature
The winds picked up and moved through the trees.
I hear a powerful rustling of the drying leaves.
The storm that raged through the Baja south.
Still has a punch without a doubt.
The clouds are covering the morning light.
The humidity is high and the smoke still in sight.
I sit on this land that is still so beautiful in the glow.
Of the gifts that nature continues to bestow.
The storm pushed the heat from south the north.
We feel the consequences of what man called forth.
We cannot blame anyone but ourselves.
As many truths begin to fall from the shelves.
I look with wonder at how nature shows us much.
She has decided to hit us with a resounding hard touch.
Ignoring what we have done will only make things worse.
Seems that Mother Nature demands us to reimburse.
She takes from us so we feel her pain.
She shows us that she is a force that we will never contain.
~Suzanne Wagner~