A Reading With Suzanne

In a reading with Suzanne, she will give you a comprehensive experience of yourself through the use of Numerology, Palmistry, and Tarot. Suzanne believes that people are multidimensional, so by accessing the information held in the different tools she is able to see past lives, present family circumstances, problems, challenges ahead, and natural gifts. She loves to support clients in getting in touch with the angels and guides that are there to assist them.

Suzanne begins with Numerology by using your birthday to gain insight into what you came into this life to learn. Numerology gives an overview as to what you have as gifts and karmic challenges in this life. It also shows what can be happening in the year ahead. Numerology is a wonderful tool to assist the client in understanding their mates and children. Suzanne suggests that you begin with the most immediate family and limit the Numerology to four people in an hour of reading. If you have a large family it is wise to schedule extra time so everyone can be touched on.

Please be aware that Suzanne has written a book on a completely different and new form of Numerology. If you think that you have already had someone do your Numerology and are resistant to having someone do it again, please realize that Suzanne’s system is completely new and will bring a new angle of perception into your experience.

Next, Suzanne moves to Palmistry. Palmistry is a complex, fascinating look deep into the client’s soul, behaviors, motivations, and patterns. Through Palmistry Suzanne assists you in delving into the patterns you use in your life that are either assisting you or inhibiting the flow of your natural self. Palms change and evolve as the client grows and so palmistry can be done every six months to a year.

Through the Tarot, the client will have an experience of the present situation facing them, as well as, options and ways of navigating through this challenge. With the Tarot, clients will be allowed to ask questions about any subject. Future projections and timing for particular outcomes can be addressed at that time. The Tarot gives the client a road map into the magical world of our subconscious and our future. Tarot shows what lessons will be learned and how far you are along the path to your goal. Tarot shows that even in the dark moments there are good lessons and opportunities to evolve and open.

Suzanne may get pictures images or impressions about past, present, or future events throughout the reading. She channels angels and guides to assist her in translating information to the client in a way that supports and opens.

Suzanne is loving and sincere in her desire to support the growth of her clients into a more spiritually conscious and connected state of being. Through her work, she validates and inspires others to listen to the subtle messages always coming to us from the angels and guides.

A reading with Suzanne is a journey into your spirit. Her intuitive gift is to play your song back to you in a way that you recognize and step into your full potential. When the client is open then Suzanne can intuitively go deeper into the matrix that is your life.

Please be advised that Mediumship is a talent that Suzanne has but this skill happens only randomly and she is not able to call it up at will. There are those who Suzanne has read that experienced profound information coming from their deceased loved ones and they are grateful and impacted tremendously when this happens. But this happens either instantly for Suzanne or it does not come up at all in a reading. Sometimes Suzanne will get messages from the deceased loved ones through her guides or angels. Therefore she is not talking directly to the dead person but translating a message through her angels to the client.

