January 6, 2023

Poem for 1/7/2023 – Sharing

Suzanne’s Personal Quote/Poem for 1/7/2023


Poem – Sharing



Dreams live up in the ethers of the mind.

Ideas blossom when dreams are defined.

Life takes the energy from all around.

It intends to surprise and eventually astound.

You are a part of the dreams of care.

Of other creatures that live under those stairs.

They wonder if you have enough love inside.

To help them in moments learn to survive.

Are you a safe place for them to roam?

Will you allow them to be a part of your home?

Notice what lingers in the corners of your yard.

See what they need so life is not so hard.

If everyone would help and become more aware.

There would be plenty to go around if we would all share.
~Suzanne Wagner~




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