Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/2022
Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/2022 5/1/2022 is the number 12. 5 + [...]
Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/2022 5/1/2022 is the number 12. 5 + [...]
Quote Anger is a thief that steals our peace. Triggers [...]
Numerology/Astrology for 4/30/2022 4/30/2022 is the number 13. 4 + [...]
Quote The darkness of the Goddess calls us home. There [...]
Quote The sky is calling. Does she call to you?She [...]
Numerology/Astrology for 4/29/2022 4/29/2022 is the number 21. 4 + [...]
Quote Where do we go when the options are limitless? [...]
Numerology/Astrology for 4/27/2022 4/27/2022 is the number 19. 4 + [...]
Quote I watch and wonder at the tools that some [...]
Numerology/Astrology for 4/26/2022 4/26/2022 is the number 18. 4 + [...]