January 12, 2024

Astrology for 1/14/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 12, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 1/14/2024

On January 14th, Venus in Sagittarius will quincunx Uranus in Taurus. This can make emotions go all over the place. That is because Venus wants love, but Uranus wants independence. Life can feel uncertain, and this can bring up anxiety making us question if we can count on those closest to us. On one level we don’t want to be smothered but on another we want and need stability and safety. This is the moment when we must look at how our need for excitement and new things might actually be an avoidance of deeper intimacy and an underlying fear of commitment. But this energy channeled properly can allow a great spark of creative genius and allow a type of magnetism and charisma to make you feel popular and entertaining. If you are single, just notice that you might lean towards people that are unusual and perhaps a bit risky.
Also, that day Venus in Sagittarius will trine the North Node in Aries. As Venus obviously represents our more sensual and feminine side, love, pleasure, and sentiment is high on our list. The Moon’s Nodes connect us to our subconscious and what we are being directed to lean into. The North Node inspires our more conscious motivations and how they help to shape our personal psychology. This aspect often attracts very good things, and it can feel as if there is harmony coming into our reality. Relationships smooth out and seem to go well for a time. We are more diplomatic and seem to move more generously. Social patterns can feel progressive and help us move in new directions. The integration with others seems to benefit us in new ways.

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