Astrology for 10/31/2023
The Gemini Moon is funny and frivolous. Just what we need to allow playful communication to find new answers to those illusive questions.
Uranus pushes us to be more creative in our approach and as it trines to Venus we become more willing to open our mouth and say what we think.
We are attracted to the unusual and slightly bizarre. We want to find things that are different and open our minds. Tired of the old ways that some keep forcing down our throats, we understand that we are at a point of risk to engage in new ways. To do that we have to emotionally step back and realize that we need to not think so much about the fear but instead the potential beauty we might discover if we let go of the old reality just a bit so that some new and interesting light can illuminate what is yet to be discovered.
Mercury and Pluto seem to want to quintile and it tells us that it is time to pay close attention to something we intend to develop. The good news is that we are much more dedicated to a goal and intend to see it through.
~Suzanne Wagner~