October 5, 2023

Astrology for 10/6/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 5, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 10/6/2023


The Cancer Moon asks us to be kind to ourselves first. It is always easier to be kind to others but when we are dealing with fears coming up and confusion setting in, those complex emotions can painfully remind us of our weaknesses and those places that we are blind and still healing.
If you feel as if you are at a turning point, you would be right. As we are in the Last Quarter of the Moon, heading towards a solar eclipse, with currently the Sun in Libra deciding to square the Moon, we may feel like salt-water taffy being pulled in many directions all at once.
But this crazy motion has value. It is smoothing out our rough edges and making hard places silky. Perspectives are rapidly changing, and we see that life has brought us to a new edge.
We are being asked to honestly evaluate our current circumstances with insights that understand what is not working.
While this is not the time to take on anything new, it is time to get everything in order, deal with the people and things that matter the most and prepare for what is coming into view for the future.
We wish for clarity but this moment in time makes us question all our actions and choices. It is hard to be at peace when Venus and Pluto quincunx. Remember, to listen to your heart not your head. Remember to listen to doing what is right not what is easy.
And remember that even when things do not necessarily work smoothly that does not mean you are not trying.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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