December 2, 2023

Astrology for 12/3/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 2, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 12/3/2023

The lovely Leo Moon lounges most of the day with us. Giving positive energy, confidence, and an opportunity for some new insights because of our forthright openness. This evening it will go into more meticulous Virgo so expect tomorrow to be all about getting things on that list checked off.
Pluto and Venus will square and what we think we want and what we are required to do … seem to be heading in different directions.
This can cause complications and dis-ease. Seems it is time to clear away certain things, let go of some patterns that are no longer necessary, and deal with some deep insecurities. Perhaps it is about learning how to trust others to do what they do best.
Remember the more freedom you give others to be themselves the more most will feel loved. It is okay to feel as if certain things loom in the darkness of the unknown. It is okay to allow what is coming your way to naturally unfold.
On many levels we are less interested in social interactions. We seem more sensitive than normal, and this might be the time to notice how much we are on a personal journey to discover something inside our core that is trying to blossom. We feel as if there is something inside that is very precious to us, and it is attempting to come into the light. But its arrival is catching us by surprise, and we seem to want to protect it and not show it off to others currently.
Something is evolving into a new form. That form will eventually be something to share with others but right now, it is deeply personal and still taking shape.
Mars and Jupiter will quincunx and this can make us feel as if we are out of our normal patterns. For some it can feel very exhausting. We might need more sleep than normal or a nap in the middle of the day.
It seems the key is some form of integration.
But how that integration happens is what is in question.
Everything right now seems to be about how we restructure certain things to prioritize other things.
Take a breath. Let it come to you. There is no need to stress about it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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