December 3, 2023

Astrology for 12/5/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 3, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 12/5/2023

The Moon is still in Virgo and that allows us to get into the nitty-gritty of things. Organization is important and we might include others in our sorting process
As we are in the last Quarter of the Moon and it wants to be right on top of the Sun in Sagittarius, then squaring the Moon in Virgo, it is best to not try new things but get the old things in order. There are many steps asking for a place to slot into so we can make sense of things. Give the structure a chance to calm down the incessant demands of our modern living.
Saturn and Venus will trine and that allows our emotions to find their appropriate places as well.
Things are all about love and those things we wish to indulge in on the physical plane. Just remember to be mature in your approach. Keep a rational bone in your body and don’t let your idealistic heart carry you away. Show a shred of loyalty to those that have stuck by you.
We are attempting to find how to bring a bit of spark into our relationships but know that we also need to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground. After all, we all have to live in the real world. And there are consequences for our actions.
But if you do, you may discover that the old responsibilities are not so bad, and our duties give us purpose.
Pluto will semi-square the Sun and that just loves to make a mess just when you don’t need one more thing. Try to recognize what really matters from what does not matter.
Currently we seem to need to feel as if we have some sense of control. Remember control is an illusion. Circumstances seem determined to frustrate us. Don’t fall for the ploys that will just make you miserable.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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