Astrology for 3/17/2024
The light continues to brighten, and we move into the First Quarter of the Moon as it supports us in seeing the duality inside and outside. After all, the Moon is in Gemini and the Sun in Pisces are forming a square. During this time, we can feel pulled and pushed. There is energy but it seems to be discordant, and we feel stressed and as if there is too much to do in life. Aware of our own weaknesses and confused as to how to proceed, we eventually find a place to stand with those we love because the Moon will go into Cancer very early this morning. I expect you might have noticed that sleep has been challenging the last few days. I can blame the upcoming eclipse cycle but it is more than that in the astrology.
The Sun and Neptune align this morning and this pattern coming in has stirred up a lot from our deeper, subconscious self. We are trying to make sense out of complicated emotions and it has not been easy. There is something internally calling to us. For some this voice may feel as if it is taunting instead. We want to feel tuned in and positively inspired but the under current feel more like rip-tides threatening to pull us into waters deeper than we are comfortable with. We see warnings, yet wonder what they are in regard too. We are being asked to be intuitive rather than judgmental. We are being asked to not try to define this moment but simply follow the flow of your dreams.
We are flexing some new muscles and it is testing our resolve and flexibility. Old boundaries are being breached and yet, new spiritual insight is leaking through and into our soul.
Even with the intensity of the feelings we are actually in a powerfully insightful moment if we are willing to allow the lessons to come without thoughts or discourse.
Embracing flow over thought could allow a doorway to open to let your ideal, spiritual self, more space to come into your being.
~Suzanne Wagner~