March 3, 2024

Astrology for 3/4/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 3/4/2024

The Moon will shift out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn this afternoon. Until then, we are filled with enthusiasm and adventure for new things and new experiences.
Once it is in Capricorn, we are more serious and focused. Our determination will carry our dreams forward and we see that we have much to do and many things to explore in order to get to our goals.
Mercury and Uranus will sextile. This allows us to see other perspectives in a more open light and to perhaps have much less resistance to those new ways of doing things.
Perhaps we just needed some new perspective.
To find that perspective we often must step back and come from a place of not knowing. When we do that, we open our child mind to situations and that is a wonderful way to see things with wonder rather than worry.
Notice how your adult mind can be suspicious and fearful. But to our child mind, he or she is excited to marvel at what this world offers. With this combination, we have great opportunity to have a unique view into the complex workings of the minds of others and this world. We seek information that has a very scientific approach and are less interested in opinions.
Today’s astrology enhances our instinct and allows for new insights to be quick and insightful. This day can feel like a small creative burst of potential. This gives us new ways of solving old problems. The challenge might be that those solutions that were so obvious, we wonder how we missed seem them in the first place.
These new insights can allow us to change things around in our normal daily routine. That can be very fun filled and exciting.
The North Node and Mars will also sextile and we are in the mood for something new and exciting. A bit of a challenge is right up our alley. We recognize that if we want another reality, we will have to make the necessary changes first inside ourselves. Many new and exciting things are coming our way and just remember that we can have what we desire but not often the way we think it is supposed to be. The universe has a plan for all of us and most of the time, its plans will unfold in the most interesting of ways because we have to move around many of our own blockages to achieve longer term goals.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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