Astrology for 4/9/2024
The Moon will be shifting out of dynamic Aries and into the plodding, patient, yet persistent sign of Taurus this morning. It will feel perfectly natural to want to drop in and feel the comforts of our home over the next few days. Sometimes astrological events can help us appreciate what we have rather than long for what we don’t. This eclipse is doing that for us. Notice what is your new natural flow. Notice what it is that you are looking to create now. What you once wanted has changed because you have changed. And now we see things very differently. We want to get back in control over our finances and our feelings. Consistency works to soothe the nerves.
But Venus and Uranus are not done with drawing us in with our attachments, unfulfilled desires, and illusions. This is happening because we want so much that is new and interesting rather that safe but boring. We are choosing a bit more excitement and we want to generate more freedom and fluidity. We want to stop being afraid of the unknown and instead find ways to embrace it.
~Suzanne Wagner~