May 14, 2024

Astrology for 5/15/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 14, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/15/2024

The inspired Leo Moon dominates our attitude. It is great to feel as if we have the energy to work with the internal promptings of our soul. This Moon supports us till this evening at which time it goes into “down to earth” Virgo.
The Taurus Sun will square the Leo Moon, making us want to take action and to address issues that have sat unresolved for too long. There are challenges ahead. That is very clear, but it is about how conscious and clear we can stay while being challenged that is the real test. Those closest to us will test us the most. Remember, that addressing conflicts is a form of love trying to emerge from resentment and frustration. Most of the time, everyone just wants to be heard and acknowledged for what they felt in times past. Often we are so self-consumed with what we have going on internally and externally that we forget to notice others that might be suffering as well. Today, if someone wants to have those hard conversations, stay open, listen, and recognize that this was their experience no matter if you remember that moment or not. We all need to share to get things off our chest. We often need to share because we want to know if something was designed to be intentionally hurtful or not. The truth does not always validate the stories and conclusions we came up with in our mind. But it can be very healing regardless.
With the Moon in Virgo, we seem to be trying to figure out the meaning to some extraneous details that just did not seem to fit into the mind’s mix. We want to know, what we were afraid to ask. We want an answer that we were previously afraid to hear.
Mercury goes into Taurus today and it allows us to slow things down and get to the bottom of situations. We are more deliberate in our considerations, and this allows us to feel more stable. It brings in more patience and allows us to really think things through before we speak. We crave less drama and upset. We yearn for more things that allow us to feel as if we belong. We are moving out of so much complication and into a more conservative mindset. Just remember to not become rigid in our approach.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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