May 16, 2024

Astrology for 5/17/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/17/2024

The Virgo Moon continues to get us going and to look to what we can do now that will make our lives easier over time. I like to think of a Virgo Moon as laying down infrastructure. If things have good bones, then over time much can be built on top of them. Look at the ancient Roman roads and how many roads and buildings were built upon them because the base was so solid. Even now those amazing roads remain and can still be seen.
While the effort involved was extensive, time-consuming and expensive, even now we all benefit from the Romans knowledge, skills, and tools that they created.
Today, lay down some of those foundations that take time but will give back in a multitude of ways.
Perhaps it is time to go back to school and finish that degree. Perhaps it is time to really clear out spaces for fire breaks in this rapidly changing climate.
Whatever you do, do it with a bright and bubbly smile on your face, a willingness to get the job done, and a “can-do” attitude. Life is always easier with a warm and sharing smile.
All this energy is being supported because of the positive connection between Venus, Uranus, and the Moon. It really helps when you feel supported by higher forces in the cosmos. Remember that new ways are often much better even though they might require a learning curve.
Mercury will square to Pluto, and this can make us feel mentally overwhelmed and that can make us project things out into the world that may or may not be valid or real. Don’t let situations get your “knickers in a knot”. It is not worth trying to figure it out today. It is only going to make you feel more emotionally drained.
Jupiter and Mars will semi-square in the middle of the day and that will give a boost to our energy and help us feel much more capable and confident.
What might become clear is how a situation caused you to misjudge and act in a way that was not appropriate for the situation.
This is how we live and learn.
Look at the energy expenditure that you have been giving out and decide if that level of exchange was completely necessary. If it was, then relax and know you did your best. If perhaps you were overdoing, notice how such an action builds up resentment over time and that only leads to potential problems and miscommunications.
With the Mercury and Saturn semi-square, many things suddenly feel, inconvenient on many levels.
Just remember, the universe has a plan. Stay open to what comes next, it might be just what you really wanted.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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