May 20, 2024

Astrology for 5/21/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/21/2024

The Moon in Scorpio makes our dreams intense, informative, and intuitive. Seems our minds want to understand and come up with a very new strategy to make sense out of this moment. Feelings are strong and our bodies seem to be trying things out … as we are asleep. We might wake up more tired than normal and awaken as if in the night we ran some sort of marathon.
Just know that if this is how you are feeling, it is just all this astrology trying to rewire your DNA. Clearly, the message is, out with the old and it is time to bring in the new.
To do that our systems need some major upgrades and to do that it is best if we are asleep and unconscious. We need to get our ego out of the way so that things can be more smoothly adjusted. Too often our thoughts and fears get in the way and complicate matters.
What is clear is that we are running out of time and many things need to be handled, the best tool that angels have in their archive is to knock us out at night, so they can do what needs to be done. We may wake up with a very new perspective because of it. And things that seemed so important might suddenly be less so.
Mars and the Sun will semi-square as the sun is high in the sky and this can make things feel more intense than normal. This can put an edge into things and make some souls in a more aggressive mood. Especially if they like to resist change.

Something requires our immediate attention. You might feel as if you can’t sit still, and others might feel impatient and irritable.
Try to keep a calm head. Imagine you are walking in cool waters, and you are hearing the sounds of the rushing spring thaws going down the creeks. Become one with those flows and just allow the moment to guide you down the river.
While feeling as if you know the plan and have a strategy is calming. Perhaps today, just listen to the flow and place yourself directly in it.
The awareness coming in is telling us that things are going to take more time than we realized. There is no sense in pushing the river. All arguments get drowned out in the power of the natural flow that is happening. Let the mind go. Allow in something else. That is where the magic truly lives.
We want to reason things out but what we really need is to share with others our journey to self-awareness.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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