May 23, 2024

Astrology for 5/23/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 23, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/24/2024

The Sagittarius Moon has an agenda. It intends to offer incentive … where there was none. Where there were feelings that were lost, now there is a desire to be more carefree and to wander into the adventure that this life promised.
But one much take action in order to claim the few prizes that are occasionally offered. The question is are you ready? And are you willing?
The Moon is in a feel-good mood with Mars but not so much so with Saturn this afternoon. The feelings that arise are timed poorly. So, expect disruptions to the natural flows of desire. Don’t expect to get what you think.
If things feel a bit … complicated, you would be right.
We seem to not know when to go or if we should wait a bit more.
Too many questions come into the mind and while we want to leap grandly across the canyon. The reality is going to feel more like jumping over a puddle. Today’s actions may have an anticlimactic feeling to them. And it will not give the satisfaction one was expecting.
Instead, take a good look around and see what is blaringly more important. When you see it, do that. This is the way you get back on track. Done correctly, you could end the day with a stronger sense of purpose and clarity.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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