May 30, 2024

Astrology for 5/31/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 30, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/31/2024

Because of the lovely astrology, May just seemed to whiz by very quickly. As we finish up this month filled with so much goodness and positive shifts, recognize that all shifts can be emotionally taxing.
So, take today to pat yourself on the back and remember how far you have come over the last decade and that you have grown in countless ways and that now you are a better and more well-rounded person.
With the Moon still in deep and spiritually refreshing Pisces, it is a good day to escape and go somewhere that is soothing for your nervous system.

Perhaps you just need to decompress from the many things that have been rapidly unfolding in your life. Perhaps you need a moment to reconnect to your guides, angels, and nature.
Take these moments … because it can be a very powerful step in the processes of self-care and healing.
Saturn aligns with the Moon, so emotionally you might feel more thoughtful and wake up from some intense dreams.
So much has happened over the past month that you may be feeling like a yo-yo on a string. The ups and downs have been dramatic, life-affirming, and at times shocking in their new perspective that deepened us.
We are in a cycle of healing and detoxing from so much over the past many years. Even the process of healing can feel at times exhausting.
The Moon will align with Neptune and it becomes a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs it. Kindness counts and many things creatively can be very rewarding at this time.
Those critical pieces of insight that have been sorely lacking seem to begin to peek their heads out from those closets.
This evening the Moon will go into Aries and so get ready for a very new, refreshing attitude tomorrow that boldly wants to go where you have never gone before.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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