May 4, 2024

Astrology for 5/4/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 4, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/4/2024

The Moon will enter Aries this afternoon. Until then we are learning to use the Moon in Pisces by allowing our creative side to be expressed in the outer world. The Moon will positively align with Jupiter and Uranus and then eventually Neptune. We keep trying to get a bit of restraint over our emotions that seem to be barely under control. Stress inflates situations and allows us to feel as if things are being pitted against us. We must remember that most things and upsets are not worth all the attention we might be giving them currently. Think of them as passing waves in the ocean. Some waves are much bigger but if you are out deep enough, it does not feel overwhelming. But if you want to live a shallow life and stay safe in the shallow waters, those waves can come in and feel like a tsunami. Perspective is everything.
But when the Moon dives into Aries from all this watery emotionality, I expect there to be a bit of discomfort as the fire of Aries decides to heat up everything and make quite a bit of steam. Expect some to get hot under the collar. Expect others to completely snap. That is why I want everyone to stop taking things so personally and instead, move from so much upset to creative expression. Art is a great outlet for all those emotions that seem to want to boil over. It allows all that energy to have a constructive action rather than take a destructive direction.
Mars and the asteroid Pallas will trine and that give us more courage just when we need it. Venus and another asteroid Juno will also trine and that makes us want to come more together and to share beautiful things, special moments, and the connections that come from deep friendships. Often it is others that can see something from a unique angle that will be a huge awakening of sorts. It is through those that love and care for us that we gain a footing and eventually a handhold on what we are doing that is not allowing us to find peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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