June 1, 2024

Astrology for 6/2/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 1, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 6/2/2024

This evening the Moon in Aries has a final conversation with Mars as they conjunct. Tomorrow, we wake up to the Moon in a more peaceful place in Taurus and we want to enjoy the porch, look out on the garden and appreciate sweet, iced tea while we lounge the day away.
But first we need to deal with this day. And it has a lot to tell us.
The slower and longer goal will be the Jupiter trine to Pluto. In a broad stroke, it is an encouraging sign. It asks us to remember that great treasure is often deeply buried. And now we seem to have some new insight that is giving us a plan where to look and who to connect with. We have more faith in ourselves, and we are willing to pursue those goals that we had put off for other reasons.
We seem more persuasive today and others seem more open to what we say. This helps us see ourselves in a new light and that helps us have a new focus. That focus will allow us to harness energies that we did not know we had and put them to good use.
Organization seems easier and smoother. Our confidence is stronger, and we are in less resistance.
We see the growth that has been happening even through all our complaints. But now it is time to go for it. Our wheels feel greased, and we seem to have more grit and staying power to go the distance.
We can see that the obstacles were just trying to tell us that we needed to slow down or go back because we missed something essential. Because of our thoroughness, now, the path seems clear, and we feel finally ready.
Mercury will sextile to Neptune, and this can unleash our creative side and allow us to make sense from small pieces of our puzzle that just never seemed to want to slot into place. Now, we see where those pieces fit, and many things begin to make more sense.
Our mind seems more in gear, and we can understand instructions without needing them repeated. Creatively, we feel the flow and seem to understand situations more clearly.
Our words come out and seem more noble and generous and that allows for others to relax around us and trust us more.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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