June 2, 2024

Astrology for 6/3/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 2, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 6/3/2024

The Moon goes into Taurus, adding a powerful rudder to our ship. The direction is clear, and we have our hands firmly on the rudder as we set a new course towards peaceful waters. We are heading out of the storm and into calmer seas. While we are not in the mood to celebrate quite yet, it does feel as if we finally have some control over our external circumstances.

Planets are on the move. Mercury goes into Gemini today and it will be there until June 17th. This gives us an ability to step back and see things from a more objective viewpoint. We seem draw to interesting things that are slightly distracting but fascinating.

The key … is to allow the spontaneous flow to keep you moving from one place to another. Don’t be attached to any one thing. Seems the universe is trying to keep us on our toes. Some may feel that changing their mind is like changing clothes. We see ourselves in a very new way and that is appealing.

This aspect makes us willing to grasp new ways of seeing things and while we may feel as if we are flying by the seat of our pants, it is exciting. We have a better ability to roll with the chaos and that feels much better than feeling overwhelmed by it.

Saturn will quintile to Mercury and that gives some order to what does need some structure going forward. It will give us the mental ability to stay the course the keep a level of self-discipline.

The Sun will sextile to the North Node and shortly, Venus will have the same agenda. Overall, this is a very encouraging aspect. We seem to finally hear the call and are ready to do what is needed from us. We have many powerful life goals that need addressing. Currently this gives us a positive outlook and a feeling of cooperation.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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