September 13, 2023

Astrology for 9/14/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 13, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/14/2023

The New Moon is today, perfect for setting some intentions and moving in organized ways that will allow for each of us to capitalize on current opportunities. Write down a few goals and set the stage for what is yet to come. I like writing down things because then it is making my intention clear to the angels and guides what my desires are and what goals I wish to reach for. Concentration seems easier today so those small things that need doing might just get checked off more quickly than anticipated. Expect to feel quite accomplished by the end of this day.
Seems we might be trying to establish some new routines. And if we lay those out, we might just feel as if that new flow is working perfectly.
Clutter of all kinds is being swept away rather than under the rug.
Try to look to a new way and new future rather than criticize yourself for past choices. The world will aways want to seem to beat us down, no need for us to help it along the way.
This New Moon will trine to Uranus and that give us just enough new incentive to be very inventive.
Just remember, we are still in a Mercury retrograde and so appreciate the small wins. Larger ones will come later.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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