September 20, 2023

Astrology for 9/21/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 20, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/21/2023

We wake up and embrace our adventurous side as the Moon continues in Sagittarius. Curiosity is key and we want to discover things that clear up some misunderstandings internally and externally.
The Moon squares to Mercury, so just know to be careful about what you say and do today. Though you may try to say and do the right things, you cannot always be able to define how others hear those carefully chosen words.
If you are the recipient of those words, try to feel past the words and into the heart and intention of the other. You have to remember that everyone is trying their best but that some do not have the verbal communication skills that may work in that moment. Try to follow all instructions to the letter without resistance. That will make the day move more smoothly. Our way does not have to be the right way or the only way. Keep a flexible mindset and know that it will inspire others to hesitate before they react.
With that intention in the forefront of our minds, we can turn this day into something special.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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