September 22, 2023

Astrology for 9/23/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 22, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/23/2023

We move into the Sun sign of Libra today where it will remain until October 23rd. We move into the times where life cools, light diminishes and the world works towards a new (much-needed) balance. We look past our own agenda and move in the direction of connection with those we love, considering those things that matter the most to more than just ourselves, and look ahead to what others might need or want.
Life moves to figuring out how to meet others and come to compromises. We are less interested in getting our own way or being right.
Expect choices to take a bit more time in the long run because there is much back and forth as we try to find a process that works for everyone.
We try tact and diplomacy as a strategy and decide to lead with that rather than a more aggressive approach.
Venus and Chiron will trine today and it brings a more loving attitude into our negotiations with others and family. We seem to want to connect more deeply with others and in ways that builds more trust. What we value move into perhaps a new hobby or activity that will carry us through the winter. Our interests expand and we are willing to bring more creativity into our lives.
Mercury (while still in the shadow of its retrograde) and Pluto bump a bit today so know that communications can still be tricky because the underlying tensions have not eased off quite yet. Some may feel more suspicious of others and while we want things to flow gracefully, we seem to hit a few snags that (to some) can feel as if they are being blocked by the perspectives of others. Try to not take anything personally today.
To make headway, we will have to take the long way around people and situations. Try to not get upset at what seems like a detour or someone’s intention to thwart our progress.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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