September 28, 2023

Astrology for 9/29/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 28, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/29/2023

The Full Moon in Aries is reeving up. Many things will become clear in this illuminating light today. Feelings come to the surface, and we are reminded that we must respect ourselves as much as we attempt to respect the wants and needs of others. What is clear, is that our path is ours and the path of others is theirs. While we need to have the courage to make choices. We also need to learn to move in our own personal direction.
This Moon will help us understand some old feelings because this astrology helps us make sense out of those complicated emotions.
Today is not the day to try to clear the air but to instead let the energy reveal hidden things to us so we understand our own karmic path.
We cannot walk the path for others, but we can come to know ourselves so well that we trust the universe to give us the information we need … when we need it most.
Uranus and Venus will square and that will show us that there are many places where we feel as if our personal values seem to struggle with this very new direction in the outer world.
We say we want to get close to others but there is also a fear of becoming trapped or constrained by the demands and desires of others.
Know that there is a tendency to be impulsive today but that will lead us into unstable waters if we are not careful and aware.
There seems to be an internal restlessness right now in life that seems to want to drag us onto a more complicated path.
If one allows oneself to be pulled in that direction, it can cost more than just money.
Today, our reasoning seems to go off base. How far off the path it will take you … is up to you.
Don’t make any grand decisions under this influence. This path is being fueled by an internal discontent that has never been addressed … worked with … or healed. There is much growth ahead. Know that there is a major change coming and while for some that may seem wonderful, just remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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