September 2, 2023

Astrology for 9/3/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 2, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/3/2023

The Moon moves out of Aries this morning and into Taurus. It will be comforting to feel the more solid and steady hand of a Taurus Moon for the next few days. Seems that the tried-and-true things are favored. We would rather have shoes that are broken in over new and uncomfortable ones. We want our life to be filled with things that are familiar and used over things that are brand new and require ourselves to adjust again. Venus finally stations and begins to come out of the retrograde that has been making things emotionally challenging for the past many weeks. While it will take a few weeks to balance out and allow many emotional things to feel more level, it is worth the wait and effort. We gain confidence when we are asked to take another look and see if how we express what we feel is being effective. We have needed many to move out of such a confrontive position into a more diplomatic one. Over time the many complicating situations will level out and our perceptions will begin to clear.
It is okay to tell yourself to be patient. Just remember that we need to be patient with ourselves as much as we are patient with others. Many places of deep integration will take time.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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