September 5, 2023

Astrology for 9/6/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 5, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/6/2023

The Moon in Gemini helps us to see both the side of our life. Our mind loves to question and seeks to know in interesting ways.
Mercury retrograde and the Sun do a minor inferior conjunction early in the day setting the stage for unusual insights and to look past the present and into our future. Seems our mind might be trying to configure new realities into some form. Most insights are filled with a very interesting and new perspectives. Right now, the more curious … the better.
This is a time of new ideas, and we are here to discover what might make it across the domains of time and space.
Words matter more than normal, and we are seeing what is worth the effort. Though at this time, we may not have all the facts in place to be clear in our choices. Any choices made now may have to be reworked at a later date.
Yesterday’s astrology still impacts our world today. Notice those things that are more curious and remember to be aware of the hidden agendas of others.
This day can feel stressful. Look to the long-term consequences of our choices. If it really will not matter in the long run, best to let it go.
The New Moon will arrive next week, but we are beginning to feel as if we need to start planning for something now … by finishing up what is on our plate.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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