August 13, 2024

Astrology for August 14, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 13, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 14, 2024

With Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury in retrograde, we are busy unwinding many things. This world is constantly creating and uncreating things. And this creation process is not just external … but it is also internal.

In case you did not notice … much has been changing. And with the fact that the Aquarian Age has become a tsunami of transformation that cannot be stopped and is just getting going, I believe it is time to embrace everything that is yet to come. An attitude of appreciation is going to be more than helpful as we learn to surf these powerful and forceful waves of consciousness that will demand from us many very new things. Resisting these waves will strip you of essentially needed energy for what is coming. Best to learn to roll with the waves like a seal, walrus, dolphin, and turtle. Because this process is just getting started.

Pluto and Mercury will quincunx today and while we are learning to trust our choices, we are still trying to make sense out of what we are feeling in the moment. Don’t be surprised if you are confused and because of it concerned as to what should be the next step to take. Wait for the whole body feeling of “Yes!” Until then, don’t worry about what action to take, listen to your heart for it to let you know.

Mars gives us the energy, gumption, and drive to make things happen because it lines up with Jupiter in Gemini and let’s just say that our new middle name seems to be “Confidence”. The flows are all about moving into bigger territories and to have the confidence to try some very new things. We are finally ready to takes some risks and the consequences be “dammed!” With so much enthusiasm, the goal seems within reach. Don’t miss this opportunity, we have to remember that when we are ready, willing, and able to do what it takes, then we become an unstoppable force of nature.

Today, make that decision to go for it. What do you have to lose? Besides, who cares what others think anyway? Those that are not ready for what you have to offer are not going to get it. Those that are on that frequency will. You will just have to get it to the right people and that may take a few tries. Regardless, stay optimistic and allow your choices to be decisive because now is the moment you have been waiting for.

The trick is to do all this without overdoing. Pace yourself. Recognize how much energy you have or don’t have. Allow yourself to edge up slowly to this new frequency. We don’t want to take on too much … too quickly.

For the next few months, words and intelligence matter. We want to embrace diversity and pursue those things that will make the world a better and more balanced place.

Tonight, the Mercury retrograde wants to go back into Leo and it will be there until August 28th.

This back and forth can feel very distracting and some that have negative motives will try to use this to their advantage. Don’t let negative and hateful people turn you off the course of wanting and believing in a better world. We need everyone to finally be willing to come together and help make this change.

The surge of positive energy of Mercury in Leo will give more persuasion to your words and actions. If you are a good speaker and have a clear mind, your intelligence will shine brightly out through your words, and you can make a big difference with less effort.

All creative projects have a better chance of being seen and appreciated from now till the 28th.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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