August 14, 2024

Astrology for August 15, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 14, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 15, 2024

There are moments when the challenges need to be faced. Growth demands that the blinders come off and we learn to confront with honesty and grace.

This afternoon the Moon will shift out of benevolent Sagittarius and into the more determined sign of Capricorn. This can turn the mood a bit more serious. But it will allow us to pay more attention and to hone our focus.

There is a tone of reflection as we have a chance to move into a better pace for our soul. That gives us a chance to integrate all that has happened over the past many weeks and months.

Mercury is still retrograde in Leo and that can fire up some old emotions that now need to be handled. This Mercury will quincunx to Neptune and that can cause the emotions and the mind to not quite be in sync. Confusion can be the outcome that is why allowing in the grounded energy of the Capricorn Moon should alleviate some of that chaotic energy.

What is clear is that growth takes great courage.
Confidence is generated by that courage.
And wisdom is the outcome from taking what was given to us and allowing it to show us paths of awareness that had been previously hidden.

What is clear today, is that egos love the dance of being right. However, in this moment, that dance will clearly just keep us spinning in circles and we can see that it goes nowhere.

What types of behaviors do you respect in others and in this world? When we respect others, we feel safe and less defensive. Notice if you are currently being defensive? That is a clue that you are not on a path that leads to others respecting you. Respect does not come from what someone says … but in who they show themselves to be. Anyone that demands my loyalty clearly does not have the ability to earn it.

We are now looking ahead to the next goals that we have set on our path. Mars and Saturn will square and these two “bad boys” of the astrological world have an attitude and intention.

Mars has his sword out and is ready to cut down those that bar his way forward. Saturn watches and waits for the right moment in time and knows that when all the pieces come together, then movement and change is assured.

They are both in the lead with all of us because they know that obstacles still lie in our path. There will clearly be those who have the intention to thwart our forward progress. But some things just cannot be stopped. There are universal forces that are more powerful than the small egos that keep pretending to be important.

This moment we are shifting gears. To do that, we might need some time to slow down before we try. There has been too much grinding of gears in our world. Slowing down when we feel such a strong desire to move … can feel as if we are hitting resistance.

But this will be necessary to make the transition. We are being asked to look honestly at what can be done right now and to not take on more than we can actually accomplish.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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