August 16, 2024

Astrology for August 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 17, 2024

The Moon will shift out of serious Capricorn and dynamically explode onto the continuously expanding Aquarian scene. There is activated air energy with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini and now the Moon also adding its energy to this one/two punch. While the Moon will shift later this afternoon into Aquarius, until then, there is an ongoing tension in the space. We feel as if we just have too much on our plate and there seems to be something demanding our attention and focus. It is easier to surrender into what needs to be done then thinking that you are going to get something that you want in this moment. Best to put that off to another … later … day.

Pluto and Venus sesquiquadrate and that does not help those ongoing dramas that just seem to have your feet shackled to more work. You might feel as if there is a tinge of melancholy as you remember other times when things were not so … complicated. Just realize that while we are all in a spin. It is not really a bad spin. It is just a demanding ride at the moment.

This aspect can make that jealousy monster rear its head. Not a good look on any of us, by the way. I have learned in life that each soul sparkles and has a powerful and deep inward beauty. It is crazy to think that our light is more beautiful than another.

That is why today, instead of getting locked into fear and loss (the elements that cause jealousy), why not revel in the beauty that is all around you? Let others be beautiful and let them shine.

Appreciate that they add color, texture, and depth in this world. Let others have moments when they are exquisite. And tell them so. It is amazing that when you tell anyone they are beautiful that they actually become more radiant. Sometimes we need permission to shine even more brightly.

This is how we transmute jealousy into something wonderful. If you can still feel that undercurrent, perhaps you are suppressing your own light and beauty. Take a moment to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful. This is how we find another path and one that allows us to be in the flow of what is happening rather than resisting it.

With the Moon aligning with Pluto, seems it is time to notice what is languishing in the shadows and bring it out and into the light. When we learn to mingle and share what we have to offer with others, that potential inside gets inspired and can begin to grow. And that is a very good thing.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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