August 17, 2024

Astrology for August 18, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 17, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 18, 2024

The Full Moon is rising, and the expansion of this Aquarian trend continues. Just know that making big decisions even in the bright light of this Full Moon is not advised. The emotional pitch and intensity are way too high.

With Mercury still in a retrograde in Leo and squaring to Uranus at the last degrees of Taurus, let’s just say that focus and communication is a challenge. We feel all over the place and our mind just cannot seem to land and ground into one place or one activity.

And with the Leo Sun in the mix, we are seeing dysfunction in a shockingly clear light. We are being asked to embrace the choices and actions of our past … to be able to pave a new future. We are absorbed in trying to integrate what has been happening and find a new place to stand.

All of this shows us the problems in a glaringly new light as the dark undercurrent and agenda of certain people and groups is revealed. The tide has definitely turned, and we are finally seeing things with a new understanding, and it can be quite shocking to those that refused to move with the earlier revelations.

Know that history is being made and with all the technology in our world the glaring light of what has been happening … will be seen. Because of these new insights, plans are shifting and with it … our voice now becomes loud and pissed.

Remember to stay calm and move from a place that you will not regret your actions in the future.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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