August 18, 2024

Astrology for August 19, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 18, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 19, 2024

The Full Moon in Aquarius with the Sun in Leo continues to make things come to light and bring up old conflicts that were pushed under the rug. The Aquarian Moon calls to our sense of humanity and to what is right. We recognize that we need to work together, and we need to move in the direction of what we can create together.

The Moon will shift out of Aquarius and into Pisces this evening. This aspect intends to open our intuition and the parts of ourselves that want to connect more deeply emotionally and spiritually with others and ourselves.

If it feels as if there is a lot going on, you are not wrong. The astrology keeps bringing in more intensity and that is not allowing us to feel as if we can take a break. Part of the problem is the Venus/Jupiter square and the ongoing opposition that they are playing out with Saturn. The social unrest is palpable and if we cannot see it in our immediate environment, we just need to look at the unrest happening in the world. We keep feeling as if we are hitting our heads against a ceiling that was put in place by the powerful and wealthy. We keep being told that there is not enough, but it is really that there are those that have too much that refuse to share. People are feeling a tightness and concern about their future. And that makes small issues seem now bigger because of the long-term trend that some in power continue to place on the people. The people are feeling burdened and their backs are finally breaking.

With The Sun squaring to Uranus in Taurus, things feel oddly unstable and we lean to want to lash out because of the rigidity that some hold in place that is unyielding and unkind. We want more freedoms and that is going to make some decide to break the stupid rules of those making laws because we refuse to be pulled back into places that do not really support a healthy and balanced society. There can be moments where we snap because we have finally had enough of the crap some are spewing. You might find that you say a few particularly choice words and are surprised at the force in which they come out. Know that the explosion of temperament is a bit too close to the surface. Best not to make decisions when the emotions are so volitile.

The intensity of the heat and light of the dog-days of Summer cause us to not care about what others think and it awakens an attitude that has been silent but right below the surface. The powerful chance that dynamic voices will ring out loud and long are to be expected.

The Jupiter/Saturn square is an opportunity to see something different. It will allow us to feel compelled to shift. And yet, the trend of Saturn’s movement reminds us that many things are going to be delayed. We are in a process and that process is going to take time and effort. Do not get discouraged. The result will be worth the wait.

The world situations demand us to pay attention. The reality is not what we want and that means that many things will have to change. Strength is built by our determination to recognize what needs to happen and to be willing to leap past the old obstacles and into a new reality.

Jupiter is that spark of hope. Saturn is that willingness to do what it takes. To get these to work together, we will have two more moments when these two will square. And that will be on December 24, 2024 and June 15th, 2025. So, we have a few chances to figure out how to get this right. What is clear is that we are starting fresh. There will be new energy coming in and the old energy will be forced out. That does not mean it will go quietly into the night. But what is clear that that sacrifices will have to be made for the greater good of all.

We are going to need great patience to navigate these treacherous waters. We are going to need to point our ship directly into the storm and be willing to deal with those that intentionally put obstacles in our path.

But the astrology reminds us that we will persevere in the end if we come from a place that is inclusive rather than exclusive.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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