August 1, 2024

Astrology for August 2, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 1, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 2, 2024

The Moon in Cancer inspires us to be thorough and more integrous. In life, our word must mean something. Gaining power internally is all about learning to trust yourself. But if you are not in your integrity, not only will others not trust you but deep down you know that your word counts for nothing and that does not help us gain ground in a world that requires follow-through. The Moon in Cancer sees things simply, “Say what you are going to do … then do it!” That is how we learn to not just trust ourselves but also feel good about our accomplishments.

I bring this up, because we are having early today, a Chiron/Mars semi-square. This can make things awkward and as if what we are trying to do … seems aggravating. While we all want the direct path to a goal, let’s just say that this aspect creates a detour. Might as well enjoy the scenery and journey because this is the way we are going to need to go to get to that goal. Think of this moment as if the universe is testing your resolve.

Venus will also square with Uranus. I expect some old things to clash with those new things that want to be born. Romantic notions might have to go by the wayside for now. Clearly there is no time for them. We are attracted to those that will give us enough space to move in some new directions. That permission is a form of love that right now is very helpful. However, be mindful of choices and know that there are some vulnerabilities at this time that can surface because of our longings and desires.

Impulsive actions are not advised right now. Things are just too unpredictable and uncertain. Clearly, we do not have enough information to be well informed and able to make the right choice.

I expect some major instability to surface either globally or locally. There is a type of concern about something coming that is causing us to feel not completely satisfied. Problem is that we cannot see exactly how that will manifest.

For some, this restless instability can cause them to react in ways that (in a more rational moment) would seem absurd.

Today, think before you act.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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