August 20, 2024

Astrology for August 21, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 21, 2024

The Moon will continue in sensitive Pisces till this evening when it moves into dynamic and movement-oriented Aries. The momentum is continuing to grow and with the Aries Moon behind, there is a feeling of initiative and a powerful force that will instigate rapid change. We will feel more motivated and action oriented to plow ahead and make the necessary shifts that are so clearly obvious.

The Sun will quincunx Neptune today and so most of today our mood seems to get magnified … especially with the Pisces Moon. Do your best to not keep downing the Red Bulls or coffee. More stimulants are not going to be the answer today. But some mental herbs and mushrooms might be just the ticket. Deep emotions are stirred up and they can get in the way of our focus. We might feel a bit torn between the old and the new. Figuring out the direction is not easy today. So, take your time.

Today is a day to look to meditation for the answers that seem to not be forth coming. Sometimes a pause allows our imagination to give us answers that are not easily found in our linear mind. Drop into those quiet places and you might just get the answers you seek.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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