August 27, 2024

Astrology for August 28, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 28, 2024

The Moon will leave Gemini early this morning and go into Cancer. We shift our focus back to family and those people that matter so much to us. Family is our center point and our core. For many of us it is a source of great strength and for others it can be a source of tension and upset. It is up to us to learn how to take the lessons that family shows us and turn them into something that becomes a legacy that we offer up for our children to move forward.

Venus and Neptune are in opposition and let’s just say that things are moving in a direction that forces us to take an honest look at our expectations with others and see that learning to live more in the present moment rather than to put our attachments and outcomes on others is a better way to go. Romance is a pattern that is uncertain and will point out the dysfunction of our thoughts. Remember to be realistic in your goals and attitude.

Emotionally many may feel rung out. The tears and emotions have shown us our vulnerabilities and just know that making big decisions is not the best for right now. Those in the dating world may make a choice that will show them how unclear their thinking actually is and that our attachments are more unstable than we want to admit. Do not allow any romantic person to tell you how to invest your money or have control over any financial decisions.

Mercury finally shifts direct today and so it is time to get going on those projects and to get things back on track. But while Mercury is in Leo, focus on those things that enhance your more creative side and let that light shine brightly out. Mercury will go back into Virgo on September 9th and that will allow systems and patterns to reconfigure into more appropriate and systemically smoother methods. Slowly but surely, things will unwind from the knots of the retrograde and patterns that seemed to have stalled will begin to move forward.

But as Mercury unwinds sometimes things tend to lurch. And so, it can feel confusing and a bit chaotic. It may be difficult for some things to make sense. That is why taking your time is a good approach. Share your insights but don’t think you have all the answers.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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