August 28, 2024

Astrology for August 29, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 28, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 29, 2024

The Moon in Cancer helps us reconnect with spiritual family and to what is important to us. We want to promote deeper connections with those that really help us see our true self in this life. That becomes a higher priority and that is a very good thing.

Venus goes home and into Libra. It loves to be in its ruling sign, and it helps us calm things down and move from chaos into more calm. That is something that we all need right now. Those that want to compete and defend will appear too aggressive and unyielding. That is not what we want today. We crave compromise and cooperation. We want a world where diversity is stimulating not stress inducing. Those that appear rigid and reactive seem childish and petulant not strong and deserving of respect. We seem to be moving from the superficial and into wanting to discover more depth inside our soul.

Just remember that when you decide in life to stop being a shallow swimmer and instead move into being a deep diver, that means that each of us will have to confront issues rather than gloss over them or ignore them. Being responsible and awake takes tremendous effort. It is easy to understand why some just want to remain asleep and out of the firing range.

We are learning how to not back down when faced with forces that are not aligned with your true self. This type of action takes a strong backbone. Learning to stand your ground is a type of exercise in which one learns if what you are standing up for is worth it and truly aligns with your core values.

If it doesn’t then it takes tremendous courage to change and admit that you were wrong. This is why our relationships are so very important. They are a mirror to show us where we might be off and where we are selling out. To be a person who surrounds oneself with integrous and intelligent friends means that they will not always agree with us, and they will call us out if we are doing something that is out of alignment with who we are.

Today we are in the mood for being in the company of those that will help us find harmony and connections that serve our deepest self.

Venus will trine to Pluto and we can feel that spark inside that wants to enjoy life and be with those whose priority is to cherish and love.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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