August 28, 2024

Astrology for August 30, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 28, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 30, 2024

The Moon will shift out of Cancer and into the empowering sign of Leo this afternoon. We move from cozy to a bit crazy. But that might be just what we really wanted all along.

That is because the Moon will oppose Pluto at zero degrees in Aquarius as it is backing up to go into Capricorn on September 1st. Pluto does not mess around and at these degrees, and it plans to show us what we need to get in touch with. And it plans to do it in a very … shall we say, interesting way. The Leo Moon is rambunctious, and Pluto is no slouch when it comes to layering on the intensity. What will be clear is that it will be a very dynamic day filled with playful but helpful confrontations and moments when we have permission to let out our weird side and show what has been hidden up our sleeves.

This is a powerfully creative day and while at times it may be challenging, it is needed to crack open some of that armor that is holding back all that lovely light you have inside. We are gifted with boosts of energy and we may need to see ourselves in a new light. No matter what happens, walk in those doors with confidence and a bit of swagger. It is time to take pride in who you are and what you are here to do.

The Virgo Sun will trine to the asteroid Ceres adding a dose of nurturing and a supportive atmosphere. It quickly becomes clear that we are wanting more support and allowing that in is a huge relief. Seems we don’t have to hold up the world by ourselves. That is a nice thing to finally know.

This is a day to allow in those cravings that the soul wants to taste, touch, and feel. As long as one does this with the sense of play and wonder, it will be very rewarding.

Our creative side is dying to get out and get some air. Seems a wonderful moment to connect to new people in interesting ways.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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