August 31, 2024

Astrology for August 31, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 31, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 31, 2024

The Moon in Leo asks us to be accountable for our choices and actions. Honor matters more today than normally. We crave to find our personal expressions and to find ways to interact and engage with others of like mind. We are in the mood for a bit of drama and want to find how to let ourselves out of the boxes that we seem to have outgrown. And we want to do it with others.

Today seems like an encouraging day and one that allows a wilder and more ridiculous side to lead. We can blame that on the Mars-Uranus semi-sextile. We are tired of our own routine. We want to shake it up and let things go. It seems hard to do it on our own but when we are with others … we have more courage to leap. Our old way feels fear-based and avoidant of conflicts. But now that feels discordant with who we are becoming.

There is a restless rebellion building up inside. And we kind of like it. It helps us learn to focus in a new way and we are finding a place that is committed to follow though this time.

This is perfect timing because Uranus will go retrograde tomorrow and as the last energy from this planet moves into stillness, it seems we feel as if we are chomping at the bit to get something integrated before it is too late.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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