August 7, 2024

Astrology for August 7, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 7, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 7, 2024

The Moon continues in meticulous Virgo, and we are all working hard to get those details finalized and into the proper place. At least this Moon gives quite a bit of incentive to get it done.

Jupiter will sesquiquadrate with Pluto and it feels as if things are building up to something and because of that our attitude is also changing. We seem as if we are less in resistance and more into leaping towards the full expression of what is calling our name in the future. Enthusiasm is strong and we feel that we want to be a bit impulsive, and we almost need to be.

After feeling so stuck and compressed for so long, now we have an almost explosive desire to make radical changes and quickly.

Just know that Pluto is all about karma and looking before leaping is highly advised. Not doing that … can lead to a correction from the karma guides shortly and that might be quite an expensive moment. Today, put your ego in check because karmic processes require willingness and adaptation in situations. Attitude has no place in unraveling what is already there that blocks the expression of our authentic self.

The Sun and Jupiter will also sextile and that makes our smiles a bit brighter and more engaging. It shows that we have confidence in what we need to accomplish and that we plan on having fun at the same time. It is easy to get others to come along on our ride. Besides, things are always more fun and bit more wild when there are more people in the mix. We feel very happy to be with others and socially it is a great time to be with friends and family.

Somehow, we feel as if our eyes are more open, we see the world more clearly. Our perspective is hopefully empowered by the internal fires that are now burning brightly, and we feel as if we are becoming someone that we really like.

Today seems to want to roll on its own merit. Even with the Mercury retrograde happening. That Mercury will align with Venus in Virgo this evening and that can help us understand our position in the field of life and help us meet the current challenges head on. It will be easy to say kind things to others and move from a true place of appreciation and care.

I love when this type of shift moves us off so much chaos and conflict and instead into cooperation. While this energy is fun, it is best if it is allowed to ride along the surface right now. Going too deep will dig up old wounds and emotions in others so remember to keep things light.

We are here to express our best self. There will be plenty of time to go deeper later.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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