Astrology for December 27, 2024
This afternoon the Moon will leave Scorpio and move into Sagittarius. We open to the infinite possibilities with the generosity of this advancing Moon and feel inspired to know what will now make a difference in our life and how to move forward. Today we move out of so much emotional energy and instead move towards seeking truth and expanding our perspective.
Mercury will do its final square to Saturn for this cycle, and we now look at what situations are coming back around for us to review one more time. It is time to recognize the progress and to begin to address any other parts that need to be tweaked before we move into this next phase.
Mercury and Saturn in a square, are a bit like two grumpy old men. They think of the worst … first and anticipate the negative. But improvements come when we are willing to change our mind. To do that often we have to give up something that allowed us to feel righteous and as if we are more in control. The truth is that any form of control is an illusion. While we can learn to roll with things and anticipate what is about to come, often our beliefs and perspective will be constantly tested by the universe to show us that we know far less than we want to believe.
Later today, Uranus and Venus will square, and that can bring some issues. Be careful at those after Christmas sales. We might encounter some ruthless and desperate individuals that are determined to pick a fight. The mood with these planets is one that will react if they believe someone is putting them down or if they feel as if something is labeling them. This can create reactivity that is not pleasant. Check to see if it is them or us that have a deeper underlying upset and restlessness.
Use money that comes in wisely. The council is to not do anything crazy or make any decisions on a whim. Know that your choices and actions are simply trying to find any way to feel better. But those actions are only hiding a profound discontent that is not going to be satisfied by such actions.
It is time to go inside and do some growing up. When we learn that it is us that needs to change not the world, then we begin a path that will lead us to more satisfaction and honesty.
~Suzanne Wagner~