December 4, 2024

Astrology for December 5, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 4, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for December 5, 2024

The Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at all things with a cool, calculating, and impartial gaze. But that is going to be tricky because of Mars opposing this Moon first thing this morning. Mars is a fire planet and cannot help but long to express a passionate response.

You may wake up longing for some peace and quiet in the morning. You might just want to have an hour to drink your tea or coffee in peace, so you can set your day on the right foot. But instead, the kids are screaming, homework is not finished, the phone is ringing, and other dramas take that moment of solitude away from you.

See if you can keep an impartial perspective and navigate those upsets without becoming … upset. Impulsive reactions are not going to help and will not go over well with others.

Venus and Saturn will do a minor square and that can make us anxious and untrusting of the motivations of others. This is where we go back into the stance of the impartial and cool-headed Aquarius Moon if possible.

The Mercury retrograde is not helping the logistical matters in the least. Add to that it is in a semi-square with Pluto and for some this is the perfect excuse to suddenly be obsessive over some small detail that probably is not that important.

Worry is not going to help solve any problems today. In fact, it might make us pull back and away from those that might actually have some answers or solutions.

You do not have to do it all alone. This is a day to remember that you are not a God, and you are not in control of this current pattern. You cannot change it or fix it. What is clear is that the masses have decided to play this out … the way … it is going to play out. There is no sense in feeling pressured or troubled. But you can do what you need to do … to be more prepared. In fact, that would be very wise.

There is a slight inferior conjunction between the Sun and the Mercury retrograde. If you can look with the objective Aquarian Moon’s eye, you might have a moment of clarity that can help you understand a bigger picture. What is coming is going to be eventful.

If we thought we had problems before, just wait. It seems that humanity only learns by being challenged and forced to move through really trying times. This is how we learn what is really important in our lives.

Over the next many years, we are going to see the many problems that were underlying many things. We are going to see that for better or worse, plans are going to be revised, and decisions are going to be made that are very different and will cause enormous new problems.

This is how we learn and change. And this is a process that over the next 19 years will show us things about ourselves that we did not want to know but that we are going to see that those choices were creating this current set of circumstances that we needed to experience.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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