Astrology for December 7, 2024
It is a busy day today in the astrology. First the Moon goes into sensitive and perceptive Pisces and we are urged to look at the emotional upsets in our life honestly and to learn new coping mechanisms so we can move through things with grace.
Venus goes into Aquarius and will also conjunct Pluto also at the beginning of Pisces. This gives us a new and very unconventional way to look at things and the relationships in our lives. We are to follow those paths that lead us more to freedom and allow us to have a new way to treat others better. While I would like to say that we want things to be more fair and honest. I am afraid we are very far away from that reality and so just work towards allowing and accepting others for their choices and know that each person’s path is their own. We cannot walk all those paths with them. We must walk our own. Be aware of what you need to do to move in detached and ways that are more impartial. You cannot fix all the things that are broken. We can only fix ourselves.
Because of the conjunction between Venus and Pluto, you might feel protective of some, while needing to walk away from others for a moment. Issues arise about how to work with the upsets around money and getting what we want. What is becoming clear is that we need to grow, and the changes are going to be dramatic. What will not work are the old ways of manipulation and coercion. While we are attempting to stay on track. We are also clear that we want something that will allow us to almost obsess about something as a way to move forward in some seemingly constructive way.
Neptune is finally ready to turn direct and if it has not been clear yet, the illusions we wanted are clearly not going to happen. So, while that is confusing, it is a doorway into new ways of connecting and communicating. It is time to believe in ourselves rather than others. It is time to do what we want rather than waiting for others to see or recognize us. It is time to remember that to do any dream, we will need to want to do it strongly enough that we rearrange our priorities around it and allow changes to gracefully happen.
Because the Sun will oppose Jupiter, that is going to be easier to do now than it has been in the past. The “shoulds” in life seem less and less important. We are not interested in what society wants from us and more interested in what we want to create from our heart and soul. We see that society is not here to help us but to distract us from our own path and our own dreams. Now, we just don’t have the time or the need to worry about what others think. In order to grow, we have to finally let go and trust our path over the path that any social system demands or expects.
~Suzanne Wagner~