Astrology for February 16, 2025
The Moon in Libra continues to help us seek balance. A tall order to ask at this moment but one that holds great long-term value. The question is not what is the choice that will attempt to bring balance externally but what is the balance that will give us peace internally.
We are in a moment in time when we have to do not what others require of us but what we require to feel complete, whole, and in harmony. We see it happening as many make the tough choice to do what is right for them and to make a choice that represents their moral values.
The question to ask today is, “What is the right choice that will allow me to cultivate a life that I want to live and a life that I will not have regrets?”
Remember, that others are wrestling with similar choices and actions and so it is important to be kind as others are up against very difficult moments as well right now.
The Moon and Mars square and that adds tension into the mix. Disruptions will continue and our personal choices will clash with the agendas that others want to impose upon us. Feelings (Moon) and actions (Mars) try to align, and we will see many make decisions that will seem a leap of faith into a new reality. They may not know what is next, but they also know what they are willing to stomach and what they cannot condone.
Dreams from our past are released and we instead move into the unknown territories where we have not yet allowed for that new creation to manifest.
The Sun and Neptune will semi-sextile and this can make us want to avoid situations and we seem to need to admit that our confidence is undermined.
It all boils down to how much energy we actually have to work with. Choices come down to where we have the bandwidth to keep going and letting go of all the things that are just too taxing.
This is a spiritual door more than a physical one. We see the value in being in alignment with our highest spiritual values and recognize that if we lose that anchor, our soul will feel lost and hopeless.
Chiron and Mercury will semi-square causing a hiccup in our minds. Should we do it now or later? It may not really matter. What will matter is to make the decision that you are going to leap. Then let the universe show you the perfect timing. What we need and want is a world that cares more and postures less. We are very sensitive to what is happening, and we see that we need to work on ourselves at this time.
~Suzanne Wagner~