Astrology for February 20, 2025
Thank Goodness! The Moon goes into the more positive and engaging sign of Sagittarius this morning. Giving us an entire day to feel the fire inside and allow it to ignite something of value. “Freedom” is the word of the day and we seek a new and grand adventure to make our life have a direction and purpose.
Jupiter and Mercury square off with Mercury still in retrograde. We feel as if we need some space. Space to figure out solutions to current issues that seem to not let our mind rest. Just remember to stick to the facts. Over-stating something will just get you into trouble. And right now, that is the last thing anyone needs. People are just looking for you to make a mistake, so they can point out that you are wrong. Don’t give them the ammunition to do that. With Jupiter being Sagittarius’s ruling planet and it being mentally activated by Mercury, this can cause some great anxiety and it can make some feel crazed and out of sorts. This is not the time to take on too many projects. Keep a clear head as to what you need to do and forge ahead with intention and clarity. Remember to not allow the upsets and distractions of others to make you go off on tangents that really will not serve you in the long run.
The Sun in Pisces will sesquiquadrate that reversing Mars and let’s just say that people are quick to anger and implacable if aroused. But rushing ahead will only land you in quicksand. It is best to rein in the impatience of all this emotional energy and remember that the best way forward is to have a plan. That takes the figuring part out of the equation and allows us to find our own organic flow.
As we are in the Last Quarter of the Moon this is not the time to move headlong into the next project. Something is trying to bubble up from our deep unconsciousness. It is not yet in form, and we are seeking to create and reclaim some part of ourselves that we believed we had lost. Just remember that parts of ourselves are never really lost though they do tend to fall asleep for a bit until we are more ready to proceed. Besides some things need to mature. Just like fine wine. There are moments it is best to not shake the bottle. This is one of them.
~Suzanne Wagner~