Astrology for February 27, 2025
The Moon will shift out of Aquarius and into Pisces this morning while most of us are sleeping. Then later this evening we have a New Moon in Pisces. As we end on this current cycle of the Moon … we stand at a threshold of a new beginning. This is a moment to remember to have faith in yourself and who you are right now. Don’t think you have to be someone you are not. This game of life is always about authenticity and realness. To take down that armor and allow others in can be very scary and unnerving. Especially during this time in our history. But holding up shields constantly is also exhausting. We need to have a few souls that we know we are safe with … to open and discover the freedoms that come with allowing out our authentic self.
Just know that our habituated self is really never our authentic self. There is a huge difference between “normal” and “natural.” Too often we want others to “Accept us as we are!”
But if we are not being authentic, and in alignment with our natural self, then when others are around us, it can feel taxing, exhausting, and a not something that they want to do for long.
Being out of alignment with our authentic self is also draining of our internal reserves as well. When we are aligned and true to our core, then it is effortless to be … us.
We live in a world where people believe that to be powerful that they have to put on a “show”. They have to become someone and something that they are not. But that is the game of egos … not authenticity.
Feel that longing to just drop into who we really are and to finally be able to relax. Wouldn’t that feel divine?
Today, is a day to find that place inside and cultivate it into supporting you in become whole and becoming authentic.
Uranus and Mercury continue to sextile opening our mind to seeing things in a very new way. Perhaps we need to look at what is being created right now as an “abominable” reality show. One that is shocking at how the characters keep doing exactly the wrong thing and making the wrong choices … so we can experience horror and shock.
Being a bit detached from this moment and stepping back can give us a perspective that can allow us to move in new directions out of necessity and choice.
We are going to need to shift our routine around right now. You may feel pushed to deal with things in some sort of different timing that is less than comfortable. Don’t worry, this is how the brain grows new dendrites. Besides sometimes we need to be pushed to learn essential things that will eventually be good for us and give us great wisdom. But discomfort is often … a part of that process.
This day is great for having a chance to connect to those that help us rejuvenate and support our true self.
The one good piece of news is that all the major bodies in the sky are going direct. That is a clear indication that it is time to move ahead and to hold on tight to those reins as this horse we are on is a bit wild.
Venus is close to looking still in the sky as it prepares for its retrograde cycle, but it is good not to push too hard today. There is an undercurrent with this New Moon squaring to Jupiter that can make a small choice become a big deal if we are not careful.
~Suzanne Wagner~