Astrology for February 7, 2025
The Moon continues in Taurus. Remember, the little things will matter the most when we are gone. We have a desire to move towards those people that walk the same path we are on and believe in those things that matter also the most to us.
Mercury and the Aquarian Sun are moving into a sextile to Chiron and it is time to move back into our soul’s purpose and to take actions that allow us to feel as if we are making progress on the things that will matter the most to us over the long haul. We seek experiences with others and to come together in ways that will move us toward our newly focused goals. It is the experiences we share with others that allow for the expansion of our authentic soul that now matter the most.
There is a sextile between Pluto and Venus early in the day. We watch as the defensive walls begin to come down as the reality sinks in for many. We are going to have to work on paying attention to the money factor if you are not wealthy. New approaches are going to have to be addressed in order to find the best strategy to work through this moment in time.
Pluto places the karma squarely in our lap. Choices and decisions made in love counter the terrible choices and patterns made from when we were blind and unconscious. It is important now to follow the path that leads to creative expression and authenticity. If any opportunities present know that we should jump on them. Especially if they will give us another option for financial stability.
The Sun will form a quincunx to Mars and then Mercury will do the same later this evening. This will cause many to feel hot under the collar and our snap point is too close to the surface. The feeling is that we want out of this horrible feeling that has been externally created by others to keep us out of balance and controllable through fear. But we just are not having it. This pattern will make many impatient and not really care whether they upset others or not. Because of this, it is wise to give people physical space and to recognize those that are determined to give their unrequested opinion.
~Suzanne Wagner~