Astrology for January 9, 2025
The Moon stays in the detached sign of Gemini, allowing us to tune out the emotional energy happening in the world and observe it instead. It adds some mental interest and allows us to find a place to move from that wants to communicate more deeply our feelings.
It helps that the Moon and Jupiter seem to be in agreement and we feel generous and more than willing to get into powerful engagements around important things in our lives. We want to be more honest and thoughtful in our approach with others and seem to have more control over what is going to come out our mouths.
Mercury and Venus are in the happy place with each other. And again, it seems to be all about mentally putting our shoulder to the wheel and making ideas into something tangible.
The Moon will square to Saturn this evening and after such an engaging day we might suddenly question a few more things. It could be easy to go down a rabbit hole in your thoughts and over think things and make a small thing into something big.
Overall, this is a day that has a consistency, and we are feeling more alert and willing to compromise.
~Suzanne Wagner~