January 10, 2025

Astrology for January 11, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 10, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for January 11, 2025

The Moon will be in Gemini all day until late tonight. At which point it will go into Cancer. For now, we need to feel mentally stimulated and feel as if we have an ability to figure things out. Tomorrow will feel cozier but today, it is time to act and make things happen.

The big news today is all about the shifting of the North Node out of the Aries/Libra trajectory and into the Pisces/Virgo reality. It will be there until July of 2026.

Having been born with a North Node in Virgo and a South Node in Pisces (which is reversed from this position), I have an intimate understanding of this polarity. We are going to have to learn to not define our existence by our ability to do things perfectly (Virgo) but instead recognize that the game is to cultivate more compassion and understanding for everyone and everything in this world. If that sounds like a huge amount to deal with … you are not wrong. There are times when we will have to be humbled in order to recognize that perfection is an illusion and at best transitory. We have to not define ourselves by our accomplishments but instead by our compassionate actions. When we let go of the illusions that we have a perfect life or need to have a perfect life, we can allow for the imperfections in others.

A Pisces North Node opens the doorways to our imaginative and intuitive selves. Perhaps you have been worrying about your physical health more than is heathy. Having the perfect body will not save your soul. We are going to now shift into recognizing that we need to commit to our spiritual/emotional/mental well-being first.

It is time to let go of the rules that we were raised with. It is time to let go of being afraid of doing things wrong. It is time to recognize that aiming for perfection is a drive of the ego not the soul. It is time to focus of finding balance, peace, and quiet.

One cannot conquer the psyche by pushing and demanding. We have to slow way down and find the deep place of quiet and ask the hard questions and be willing to wait for the answers. And those answers will come in their own sweet time. What is unfolding inside our being will take time. Just as what is happening externally in the world will also take time.

But first we need to slow down and allow healing to begin by detoxing us from the toxic stress that has surrounded us for a decade or more.

Magic comes when we are still and quiet. Magic does not like noisy minds filled with chaotic thoughts. Magic does not arrive when it has to fight the ego and the mind by offering proof.

With Juno and the Sun in a sextile, it is time to learn how to trust yourself and your path. Only then can we find a place to trust others. We are in the mood to take on a project and to do that with another.

We feel the energy of growth and change merging into a new dance filled with a new frequency and tone, and this pattern is going to shape for us a whole new philosophy.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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