January 22, 2025

Astrology for January 22, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 22, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for January 22, 2025

The Moon spends all day in Scorpio and only just before midnight Eastern Time will it shift into Sagittarius. So, know that emotions run high again today. Do your best to say calm, do not try to fix anything or anyone. The number one reason is … that it is not your job, and the number two reason is that it is a waste of energy.

The Moon is moving into a trine to Neptune, and this is a moment to inspire our own dreams and decide that what we should focus on is what is our gift to the world. That is more important than trying to fix this world.

Mercury and Uranus also trine and that has the potential to open up our minds in ways that we could not have fathomed a few years ago. Notice that I am not saying that this opening is pleasant. Though for some it could feel very validating to their personal biases.

What is clear is that we have to look at our world … minus the rose-colored glasses. We are in a very unique moment in time. The old ways of communicating are antiquated and ineffective. What unfolds is intended to be provocative and will drastically alter our understanding.

Mars also just can’t stay out of the mix, and it will want those easily influenced by Mar’s aggression to be pushy and very self-righteous.

If you are a soul that can allow in the positive energy that Mars can inject into a situation and allow Uranus’s inventiveness to also connect to what it unfolding, you can generate some brilliant ideas and methods for what needs to be altered and changed in your world.

If you have been feeling stuck, this sextile between Mars and Uranus might just be exactly the ticket to get you up and running in a new way.

Mercury will oppose this retrograde Mars energy today. And both then seem to want to walk and talk with Uranus. For some, the old upsets and feelings might surface in unexpected ways. The triggers can be activated quickly and it can be hard to get control over them before they come out your mouth.

Others will want things done “right now!” They want to put pressure on others to move at the pace that they seem to need and want. But it is important to look at one’s own expectations and how you might be currently quite combative and agitated over things that are in an undercurrent inside your own being.

If not properly channeled, this can create one big mess. Remember, being a bully is no way to enroll others in what you need and want. Pushing people beyond their current level of focus, knowledge and capacity only causes them to make more errors in judgment and it can also make you not understand what needs to be done and have your reactions only make things worse.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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