January 6, 2025

Astrology for January 7, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 6, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for January 7, 2025

The Moon is in Aries till early evening on the east coast. Then it will go into the sign of Taurus. So, the first part of the day we are action oriented and willing to do what it takes to move forward. But this evening we just want a cup of hot tea, a great book, and a warm throw over us with our favorite pet sitting on our lap.

We are preparing for Mercury shifting out of expansive Sagittarius and into the quieter and more pensive sign of Capricorn. Today we may feel a type of stillness creeping in … but there is a quincunx to Mars, and it can feel as if what we are trying to communicate (while important and deep) … it might be in a place where we are trying to be at one with what is unfolding inside and expressing it out into the world. Something is molding and shaping itself into a new form. This will require time and patience. There will be many configurations to consider as this new self is trying to make sense out of our past experiences and who we are becoming. Allow it to have many possible ways to congeal. Right now, we do not know which one is actually going to work. And that is okay.

This is still not the time to make big decisions. We need time to consider patterns that we cannot make sense out of currently.

Mercury and Uranus will biquintile and later Venus will do with same with Mars. Let the spontaneity out, let yourself have some free rein to play out some patterns, and recognize that we can look at this current pattern with a more open and playful eye if we allow ourselves to recognize that we are not sure what the universe is trying to show us.

Right now, we don’t need to know. We just need to be open and allow what is happening to show us a very new reality and one that will eventually lead us towards a more unified future.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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